UHCC Project Imua Mission 7


ARLISS Flyback Competition

Honolulu—Windward Community College

Hawai‘i Space Grant Consortium

About the ARLISS Competition

The ARLISS event is an opportunity for universities around the world to participate in several different competitions. The event spans over several days and in 2019 the event will begin on September 9th and conclude on September 15th. At the 2019 ARLISS, Windward Community College (WinCC) and Honolulu Community College (HonCC) participated in the Fly Back competition.

For the Fly Back Competition student teams construct a payload that deploys from a rocket. The rocket is launched to an altitude of 12,000 feet above ground level at which point, the drone deploys. A secondary payload on the drone, called the ASEP, is to collect atmospheric data while in the air. For the 2019 ARLISS, WinCC and HonCC chose to construct a quadcopter as the drone. As per ARLISS requirements, the quadcopter is required to autonomously navigate to a specified GPS location. The WinCC team was responsible for constructing the quadcopter and HonCC built the payload.




Project Imua Missions


last updated 8-22-2022